Every year, Anti-rabies and Animal Birth Control camps are organised by Kalimpong Animal Shelter. Such camps are carried out with the help of a village local person who further coordinates with KAS. Animal Birth Control camps play a pivotal role in the life of animals and provide a good learning experience to locals about the well-being of animals and the importance of spay-neuter programme.
KAS has so far conducted more than 300 camps in outlying villages in Kalimpong. To update yearly on rabies vaccination and also spaying on new bitches in the locality, KAS conducts camps in those previous village camp venues. Due to spay and neuter programme of Kalimpong Animal Shelter, it has become easier for people in town and village areas to neuter their pets. Not only that, KAS also provides outreach to the locals about giving first –aid to their pets at the time of emergency, keeping their dogs healthy, de-wormed and vaccinated and about being a responsible pet owner.
On November 14th, 2018 KAS conducted its fifth camp in a far off village called, Santook in Kalimpong. The team was led by Dr. D.P.Pandey, and compounders, Lil, Mahesh and Sanjeev. KAS was also pleased to welcome one of the Vets from the U.K. who wanted to give his spare hands to KAS at Santook camp. Dr. Mark was excellent with his sheer dexterity like the Shelter, Vet.in.charge, Dr. D.P. Pandey. Both Vets enjoyed thoroughly and exchanged their invaluable knowledge with each other. They drove to the village carrying their autoclave, sterilised equipments and a trunk of first aid and shaving kit for the makeshift camp. Every camp in village area is a makeshift camp that is prepared by Kalimpong Animal Shelter team. And for Dr. Mark, it was a new experience to take back home. The camp gave him an insight of Village life and the people there living in solidarity with animals. The locals attended the camp with their cats and dogs for spaying and vaccinations. Many new bitches were brought for the same to camp. On that day, Dr. D. Pandey and team spayed 14 dogs and 2 cats and vaccinated 50 dogs against rabies. All owners and dog feeders from the community were given vaccination cards for yearly record of their dogs’ vaccination. All spay and vaccinations were done taking very less from owners and totally free for community dogs.
Dr. Mark shared his joys with KAS team on his first trial on open flank spay in Santook Village and thanked the villagers and Kalimpong Animal Shelter team for their wonderful hospitality.
Special thanks to Animal Protection Network for their generous donation that helps in successful implementation of Village camps and Cat ABC at KAS DGAS. We at KAS & DGAS are highly indebted to you for your constant support.